- Uber
- Portland, OR
- 04-16-2024
Job Description
Uber - Sign Up to Drive and Earn
Join Uber, and start earning money on your terms. With Uber, you have the flexibility to drive when it suits you best—whether that's part-time, full-time, or just for a few hours.
Why Drive With Uber?
- Cash out your earnings up to 5 times a day with Instant Pay.
- Be your own boss and decide your driving schedule.
- Access to rental partners if you don't own a car.
- Sign up fast and get on the road quickly.
Requirements to Drive
- Meet the minimum age and driving experience criteria.
- Use an eligible 4-door vehicle.
- Pass driver screening and background check.
- Have an iPhone or Android smartphone.
- Vehicle requirements vary by region.
Additional Information: If you have a background in transportation or similar, join Uber to boost your earnings. No professional driving experience needed.
Documents Needed
- Valid US Driver’s license.
- Proof of residency and vehicle insurance.
*Additional documents may be required based on your location. Our support team is available 24/7 to assist you.